samigo / question pools do not show to import into an assessment after editing


User has an assessment with questions that came from a few sub question pools. User notices that there is a typo in one of the questions. They remove the question from the assessment and then edit it in the question pool. Next the access their assessment to add the correct question back in however when they go to import it from the question pool, none of the question pools show up.

To reproduce:
1) Create an assessment using questions from a question pool (I used 2 different parts in my testing)
2) Remove one of the questions to edit back in the question pool
3) Edit the question you just removed from the assessment
4) Once finished go back in the assessment and add the question back in
5) No question pools appear





Affects versions




Local Production & Stage sakai-2.7.0-rc01 QA on Oracle - Built: 05/28/10 13:02 - Sakai sakai-2.7.0-rc01 - Server qa3-us
Created July 14, 2010 at 6:13 AM
Updated April 17, 2018 at 8:01 AM