.instruction color should take into account dark or light primary colors
If you have a primary color that's really dark (like a really dark blue #000040 or black) or one that's light (white #FFFFFF) then the .instruction code in _menu.scss will call lighten on it and it either won't lighten it enough (45%) to make it readable, or it will be useless (in the case of white).
This really needs some logic behind it to either darken or lighten the color based on the lightness.
If you have a primary color that's really dark (like a really dark blue #000040 or black) or one that's light (white #FFFFFF) then the .instruction code in _menu.scss will call lighten on it and it either won't lighten it enough (45%) to make it readable, or it will be useless (in the case of white).
This really needs some logic behind it to either darken or lighten the color based on the lightness.
So I'm thinking of something like this
I'll assign this to myself but anyone is free to work on it!