I have created a new site on the trunk nightly MySQL server called 'Site to test trusted app' and added the tool, you should be able to see it. Instructions for when the site disappears due to a rebuild are as follows: Go to the administration workspace and then the sites tool on the LHS, click on a site to which you want to add the trusted app to get to the edit site page. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Add/Edit pages', click 'New page' at the top. Add a title for the page. Scroll down and click the 'Tools' button, on the next page click 'New tool' at the top to get a list of tools. Scroll down to 'Trusted applications' and select, scroll down and click save. Go to the site to which you added the trusted app and the button should be there on the LHS menu.
Neal Caidin February 16, 2017 at 10:02 AM
I agree. I don't know what a "Trusted Apps" is , ?
Alexandre Ballesté Crevillén February 16, 2017 at 1:38 AM
Hello, how can I test this on 11.3? How can I add a Trusted Apps to a site?
Use fa-key for the tool.