Condense Add Participants workflow to two screens


The "Add Participants" workflow should be simplified and condensed to two screens.

  1. The first screen allows a user to enter the accounts that they would like to add to the site (preferably in only one box).

  2. The next page allows the user to set the role for each user, whether they should be marked active or inactive, and if emails should be sent to notify users. There is no confirmation page.

There is a much bigger discussion to be had about the various other workflows in Site Info, but this change will take a step in the right direction.

The University of Dayton has completed work similar to this and will create a pull request within the next two weeks.



Adam Marshall November 22, 2016 at 9:52 AM

can you upload a screen shot or (better still) a video. We're concerned that we will lose some functionality.

With UI changes it is very hard to envisage what the impact will be without seeing something.

Brian J. June 27, 2016 at 8:13 AM

Can we see some screenshots of this please?

David Bauer June 22, 2016 at 4:04 PM

I've created a pull request for this change. This work ended up being significantly different than what we elected to do at UD. So, there will probably need to be a larger QA effort than we originally discussed.

There may still be wording, styling, and other small clean up changes needed. However, I'm happy to help with any of these additional changes.






Created June 13, 2016 at 6:54 AM
Updated August 1, 2017 at 12:28 PM