Long instructor comments from Assignments don't display well in student Gradebook view


When an instructor writes long comments (I have seen 10+ paragraphs) in Assignments for an assignment that is linked to the Gradebook, all the comment text is displayed in a narrow column. This means that the height of that row in the student's gradebook view has to be as tall as needed to accommodate the feedback. Since the Gradebook also can't propery handle the rich text comments from Assignments, the feedback as it appears to students in the Gradebook can become a giant blob of text without even paragraph breaks.

We have had instructors complain that it makes their carefully written and formatted feedback in Assignments seem unprofessional when view by students in the Gradebook.

At the very least it would be good in the students' view of the Gradebook to add a CSS max-height of a few hundred pixels and overflow:auto in the comment table cell so that the individual comments could be scrolled through if they get long. This would keep each row from exploding to be thousands of pixels tall.





Javier Safont Dutor April 12, 2017 at 2:32 AM

Solved on Gradebook too.

Javier Safont Dutor April 12, 2017 at 2:08 AM

We've solved this issue on GradebookNG adding a div inside the td tag for each row.

John Ansorge May 25, 2016 at 2:43 PM

Yes, this happens in GradebookNG, too. The comments at least don't take up lots of space in the instructor view in GradebookNG, though.

Here's brief steps to reproduce:

1. In a course with at least one student, as instructor/admin create an Assignments assignment and have it set to push grade to Gradebook.
2. Grade the assignment and in the instructor comments field, type a lot of text. I usually use the first chapter of Moby Dick, personally (http://americanliterature.com/author/herman-melville/book/moby-dick-or-the-whale/chapter-1-loomings). Make sure you "Save and Release".
3. Log in as the student and go to the Gradebook.

Neal Caidin May 25, 2016 at 8:50 AM

Curious if you have tested this in GradebookNG as well? I wouldn't be surprised if it behaves the same.




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Fix versions




Created May 20, 2016 at 5:20 PM
Updated July 20, 2017 at 1:01 PM
Resolved April 19, 2017 at 9:12 AM