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From the looks of it, this has been broken since 10.0. Strange it was never noticed.
PR done !
Added sql file here : /reference/docs/conversión/sakai_10_6-10_7_oracle_conversion.sql
With this :
– Polls fails on Oracle migrated database– You should execute this only if you have not the column poll_poll.poll_details in CLOB datatypeALTER TABLE poll_poll ADD (tmpdetails CLOB);UPDATE poll_poll SET tmpdetails=poll_details;ALTER TABLE poll_poll DROP COLUMN poll_details;ALTER TABLE poll_poll RENAME COLUMN tmpdetails TO poll_details;– END Polls fails on Oracle migrated database
commit link :
Discussed in the s2u. It seems blocker and also has an easy solution.
I set the "Conversion script required" flag on this Jira. should this Jira be a blocker priority for the 11 release?
From the looks of it, this has been broken since 10.0. Strange it was never noticed.