Incorporate NYU's "public announcement system" into Sakai 11


NYU has developed a "public announcement system" that provides:

  • The ability to display a banner message to users. These can be limited to particular servers and given different severity levels. Use cases include allowing administrators to alert users to upcoming system downtime, weather warnings and informational messages.

  • Popup messages on login. These can be used to show larger amounts of information in a modal dialog, and users can dismiss each message either temporarily (in which case it will be shown 24 hours later), or permanently.

  • Timezone checks, which alert the user if the timezone set in their Sakai preferences doesn't match the timezone of their local machine. This warning is displayed as a banner alert and links the user to the page where they can set their timezone.

The patch provides a new tool for managing all of this. Through this management interface, administrators can create/edit/delete new popups and banners and set the start and end times that control when they should be displayed to users.

We're just finishing our port to Sakai 11, but expect to have a pull request ready for review over the coming weeks.


100% Done



Matthew Jones July 2, 2015 at 2:20 PM

It looks like this isn't added to admin workspace by default OOTB right? If you open a new jira I can resolve that (or you can, either way)

Here was the fix when we last added DA. This will also need to be in the 11 conversion scripts.

Mark Triggs June 29, 2015 at 8:07 PM

Hi ,

There's currently no Sakai 10 version of the whole thing. NYU is running a precursor to the PA System in Sakai 10: it has the code for determining applicable banners/popups for the current user, and a neo portal integration to display them, but none of the management stuff (no tool or web services). For example, defining a new banner or popup meant inserting rows directly into the DB and putting a template file into an NFS directory. We developed that additional functionality against Sakai 11, so there was never a Sakai 10 version.

I haven't investigated how much work it would be to backport to Sakai 10, but off the top of my head there'd be differences in how you integrated into the portal (since Morpheus changed things quite a lot), and there are a few places where we depend on Java 8 features (use of Optional and, I think, a few places where we use the new streams). Most of the other logic should probably just work, though.



Yuanhua Qu June 29, 2015 at 9:37 AM

Nope. I ran this in sakai's trunk of 4 days ago.

Matthew Buckett June 29, 2015 at 9:34 AM

Do you have a version of this running against Sakai 10?

Mark Triggs June 24, 2015 at 6:38 PM

Ah! You're quite right: there's a bug here. I've just created and will send a pull request to fix this issue in a moment.

Thanks for taking it out for a spin Sorry one of the wheels fell off!




Affects versions

Fix versions




Created May 26, 2015 at 3:25 AM
Updated March 23, 2022 at 3:02 PM
Resolved June 23, 2015 at 3:29 AM