Default for Turnitin assignment 'save' option should not be set
Bryan Holladay April 20, 2015 at 8:01 AM
The UI code (vm) for displaying the TII specific options uses "getServiceName" from the ContentReviewServiceImpl class. You'd have to test "turnitin".equalsIgnoreCase(service.getServiceName());
Adam Marshall April 20, 2015 at 7:57 AM
This change should be predicated on whether Turnitin is being used (as opposed to Vericaite). is there a flag or some other property that says whether TII is being used?
Bryan Holladay April 17, 2015 at 10:01 AM
This commit broke the VeriCite content review implementation since it requires VeriCite to have " Alert: Please specify a Turnitin repository to submit papers to."
Please install VeriCite impl and test all modifications to ensure that you do not break other services. If you need a tmp key, let me know. You can do most testing without actually submitting to the service (in this case, you don't need a key).
When creating a new assignment with TII feature , the default is 'None' for the repository in which to submit/store the student's paper. Remove any default so that the assignment creator is forced to make a conscious selection. Pop up a reminder box if they have not done so.
Test Plan
1. Add new Assignment.
2. Select Turnitin option.
3. Check that there is no pre-selected default for 'Submit papers to the following repository'.
4. Try to proceed without making a selection.
5. Check that pop-up reminder appears to force you to make a selection at this point.
6. Make a selection and proceed with the rest of the assignment creation.
This is configured by turnitin.repository.setting.value. I've made my fix so that this server config will override the fix. As such we should make sure it is not set.