Add maven profiles for modules
Test Plan

Nuno Grilo May 14, 2009 at 3:35 AM
This is a bit more complicated than it seems. By having a "full" profile activated by default that can be replaced by other (say, "api") on command line works only specified on command-line. Auto activation of K1 or pre-K1 profiles unselect "full" profile.
Also, trying to have auto activation of K1/pre-K1 profiles activated by resolving properties don't work - this would solve this issue if maven resolved ${project.parent.basedir} in activation tag...
Marking as won't fix for now.
With STAT-149, we are not able to compile a standalone module like:
cd sitestats-tool
mvn install
Maven profiles for compiling individual is desirable - this is very useful for development:
mvn -Papi ... ==> will compile sitestats-api only
mvn -Pimpl... ==> will compile sitestats-impl, sitestats-impl-hib and sitestats-pack
mvn -Ptool... ==> will compile sitestats-tool only
mvn -Phelp... ==> will compile sitestats-help only