The namespacing should take care of the issue for Morpheus. Thanks, Mark
Juanjo Meroño November 20, 2014 at 7:55 AM
Using something like "portal-tool-container" as id for root div container solves this issue (and maybe others), but it will be better use a different name/class for this root div on each tool to allow add specific css for a tool. Something like "portal-announcement-container" or "portal-tool-container" class="announcement".
Juanjo Meroño November 19, 2014 at 6:07 AM
This is because div id="container" is present and styled in SiteStats. The best way to avoid these kind of collisions is use a different id for portal tool container in neoskin or morpheus templates, something like "portal-tool-container". If you change the id for the global div container (using browser developer tools) everything works !!
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