Data truncation error in StatsUpdateManager
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Matthew Jones January 8, 2018 at 11:51 AMEdited
Yeah, it seems like you might have to have a resource right at the edge of the limit. I can't seem to reproduce this through the UI as it says it's too long. This may need to be reviewed when/if the resource limits are increased via
Austin October 10, 2016 at 3:24 PM
Hi, we hit this error on Sakai 2.9.3 and I was also able to reproduce it on Sakai 10.7. Here are the steps I used:
Open the Resources tool
create a folder with a folder name of 175 characters long
use cyberduck to upload a file to that folder with a filename 33 characters long
The error occurs on upload
The file will be uploaded successfully
From the UI try to download the file
The error will also occur when downloading the file
Matthew Jones May 5, 2015 at 5:45 PM
Still is a problem on 10.5, occurs at least once a day from what I can see on some instances. Not 100% sure how to reproduce yet.
The trigger from sitestats is in
at org.sakaiproject.sitestats.impl.StatsUpdateManagerImpl.doUpdateConsolidatedEvents(
and RESOURCE_REF is limited to 255.