chat has issues running with morpheus. Some are based on the difference in URLs. But there are some other things as well.
I'm attaching a fix, mostly. The formatting in the presenece window needs to be fixed. In old versions the markup is in tool.css. However the morpheus tool.css doesn't have anything that's tool-specific. I didn't know whether it' intended that things should be added to that file or put somewhere else.
I did all css fixes for chat into chat.css. However presenece isn't generated by chat. So the fix needs to be done in tool.css or css that's specific to presence. I'm leaving it unfixed pending someone telling me what's intended.
Fix the probem of trying to set the class on a frame that does not exist when chat is inlined. ( rev 315935)
Hudson CI Server November 30, 2014 at 9:09 PM
SUCCESS: Integrated in sakai-trunk-java-1.7 #540 (See SAK-28099; backup code in case event doesn't have a userid; prevent Safari from having scroll bar where not needed ( rev 315764)
chat has issues running with morpheus. Some are based on the difference in URLs. But there are some other things as well.
I'm attaching a fix, mostly. The formatting in the presenece window needs to be fixed. In old versions the markup is in tool.css. However the morpheus tool.css doesn't have anything that's tool-specific. I didn't know whether it' intended that things should be added to that file or put somewhere else.
I did all css fixes for chat into chat.css. However presenece isn't generated by chat. So the fix needs to be done in tool.css or css that's specific to presence. I'm leaving it unfixed pending someone telling me what's intended.