Signup tool is not working on iFrameless page
relates to

Matthew Jones March 14, 2016 at 9:32 PM
I see two fixes merged for this, and signup looks okay to me on nightly. So I'm going to mark this as resolved.

Hudson CI Server October 3, 2014 at 6:03 PM
UNSTABLE: Integrated in sakai-trunk-java-1.7 #457 (See
: - missed the processBar javascript function -Signup tool is not working on iFrameless page ( rev 314013)

Hudson CI Server October 2, 2014 at 6:04 PM
UNSTABLE: Integrated in sakai-trunk-java-1.7 #454 (See
: Signup tool is not working on iFrameless page ( rev 313995) October 2, 2014 at 2:41 PM
This patch is merged into the Trunk. It is backwards compatible with IFrame.
The main issue for JSF tool moving into iFrameless is that 1) the JSF generated JavaScript will conflict with jQuery functions (name collision). We need to make sure that we introduce the jQuery.noConflict(); and change '$' sign to 'jQuery' in the customized javaScript at the tool page level. 2) Need to make sure that the initialized function in the ready blocks as following.
3) new jQuery 1.9.x version is not compatible with 1.4.x version such as
jQuery('[id=meeting:signupBegins]').val(); //not working any more
to be replaced by:
var signBeginTag = document.getElementById('meeting:signupBegins');
Here, the ':' column causes the trouble due to JSF special 'id' pattern. October 2, 2014 at 2:28 PM
The fix is attached.
The Signup tool is not working under current iFrameless setting on Trunk.
This is related to SAK-27774