Tested in http://trunk.sakaiqa.org Default current LinkedIn URL copied and pasted into Social Networking > LinkedIn URL worked as expected using: za.linkedin.com/pub/oliver-williams/6/47a/876
Result = SUCCESS
Gonzalo Silverio June 27, 2012 at 9:27 AM
Does the social component need to be configured? All I find in OOTB is Twitter.
Not sure which version this affects - but had to select something under Affects Version
I added the following for my LinkedIn username: ags-eins/2b/b5b/580
The URL being created does not work: http://www.linkedin.com/in/ags-eins/2b/b5b/580
What the URL should be: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/ags-eins/2b/b5b/580
If the "in" would be replaced with "pub", the link would work.