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When comparing a fresh auto-ddl'd 2.8 rc01 database against an upgraded 2.7.1 database, the following inconsistency was found:
– POLL_POLL.POLL_IS_PUBLIC2.8 auto.ddl: nullable, default NULL2.7.1 converted: not nullable, default "0"
The relevant line in the conversion script is:
alter table POLL_POLL add POLL_IS_PUBLIC Number(1,0) default 0 not null;
This ticket looks like it has been incorporated and fixed by
Refer to Horowitz comment in and it is a one line fix.
Zhen, Seth suggests that no fix it needed for mysql.
It looks like a conversion is still needed for Oracle though.
has addressed the Oracle conversion script problem, but left the mysql conversion script unchanged. Should do the same for the latter.
When comparing a fresh auto-ddl'd 2.8 rc01 database against an upgraded 2.7.1 database, the following inconsistency was found:
2.8 auto.ddl: nullable, default NULL
2.7.1 converted: not nullable, default "0"
The relevant line in the conversion script is:
alter table POLL_POLL add POLL_IS_PUBLIC Number(1,0) default 0 not null;