Additional permission settings


We are in the process of making changes to the Messages tool by adding additional permissions settings and we hope that others might benefit from these changes as well.

I attached a screen print of these additional permissions (in the red block). The changes are as follows:

1) Allow Users in the “To” field – This permission will allow all users in the Site to be added to the “To” field. By enabling this, the user will be able to select specific user(s). All Roles will be able to benefit from this setting, same as the existing permission settings.

2) Allow my Groups in the “To” field – This permission will allow all Groups of which the current user is a member of in the “To” field. All Roles will be able to benefit from this setting, same as the existing permission settings.

3) Allow my Group Members in the “To” field – This permission will allow all Members of Groups of which the current user is a member of in the “To” field. All Roles will be able to benefit from this setting, same as the existing permission settings.

4) Allow Group Roles in the “To” field – This permission will allow all Member Roles from the Groups of which the current user is a member of in the “To” field. All Roles will be able to benefit from this setting, same as the existing permission settings.


  • 25 Feb 2014, 07:59 AM
  • 25 Feb 2014, 07:59 AM
  • 09 Jan 2014, 05:02 AM
  • 09 Jan 2014, 05:02 AM
  • 09 Jan 2014, 05:02 AM



Jose Mariano Lujan July 20, 2017 at 8:25 AM

Hi ,

I did send that same message to the sakai-dev and sakai-users list (Ability to send a message only to group members within a role, related to 'SAK-25527 Additional permission settings') on the 22nd of may (this year) but we did not have any reply. Therefore, we went ahead with our plan to provide a local solution but trying to make it as flexible as possible. 

We created and it already have a PR which was reviewed a couple of core-team calls ago... 

The solution provided will allow to have both scenarios that you describe if you set the right permissions. A user would have the possibility to send to the TA role (all TAs from the site) and to the TA GROUP 1 role (only the TAs from Group 1). 

Hope that helps,


Neal Caidin July 20, 2017 at 8:08 AM

this might be a good discussion for the Sakai-user list? Should a new Jira be opened? I see the logic of both scenarios for TAs. I can understand if a student sends to the TA role that the system is "smart" enough to send to the TA who is relevant to the student's group or groups (since it is possible for a student to be in more than one group).

I can also see the logic of sending to the TA role sends to all the TAs, since obviously they share that role. I'm not as clear on the Use case of this scenario, even though I can see the logic.

Perhaps there is some other solution that would make sense and be consistent? Send to the role "TA for my group" ?


Jose Mariano Lujan March 16, 2017 at 7:33 AM

Hi , and ,

First of all, thank you all for the fixes! we are having some locals discussions about it because we believe that there is a piece missing. The problem we are having is that when you configure MESSAGES to work well with groups, there is a case that it is still a problem.

This could be the scenario:

For example: a site with 3 groups where you have an instructor and 3 TAs (TA1=Group1, TA2=Group2, TA3=Group3) and students that are only members of one of those groups. We now use the new permissions to indicate and achieve that each TA can only send a message to the members of his/her group. THIS IS GREAT!!! But then, the problem comes when one of those students decides to send a message to the TA ROLE and the message goes to all 3 TAs. We could expect that the message only goes to the TA that is enrolled in the group/section where the student is.

Has anyone notice this behaviour? Is there a fix for it? Was it not considered as a real use case to solve with this new permissions?

While doing research about this jira, we noticed that there was a 4th permission that never made it into Sakai. We noticed that the first comment in this ticket does refeer to the removal of such permission. Was that permission intended for the use case that we described?

  • 4) Allow Group Roles in the “To” field – This permission will allow all Member Roles from the Groups of which the current user is a member of in the “To” field. All Roles will be able to benefit from this setting, same as the existing permission settings.

We appreciate any guidance, response or advice that we get from you.
Thanks in advance,

Metal Ring September 19, 2016 at 11:10 AM

We have detected a problem when the msg.permissions.allowToField.users permission is disabled. When trying to reply a message, if you don't have this permission, you will see the following error:

"Alert: Please select a recipient for this reply message."

This alert message is shown in spite of the default recipient is already selected because we are making a reply. I've created the Jira to address this issue.

Bryan Holladay February 25, 2014 at 9:12 AM

This has been committed to Sakai 11. If you want to get this in the Sakai 10 release, I'll need to have confirmation that you will QA this feature and do a little bit of regression testing to ensure that the "to" and "bcc" fields work fine in "compose, reply, reply-all, and forward" use cases. I'd recommend that you do this since Sakai 11 won't be released for over a year from now.




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Created January 9, 2014 at 5:02 AM
Updated March 23, 2022 at 3:02 PM
Resolved February 25, 2014 at 9:07 AM