Student removed from a site still sees site in My Workspace
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Neal Caidin December 4, 2013 at 7:51 AM
Okay. Cache issue.
This is where I think there is a documentation gap. Really no place to mention this behavior?
Matthew Jones December 3, 2013 at 3:39 PM
So this might just need to be closed as a Won't Fix. As soon as the cache is cleared up, it will no longer be visible, but that would take a few minutes depending on the cache time.
Matthew Jones December 3, 2013 at 3:38 PM
This was committed by the cache here. Here's the comment.
// When membership updates come in, we purge the user-site cache for all members.
// This could be optimized by integrating the site and user-site caches more closely, but
// it is a reasonable cost since the user-site cache will be regenerated for each user on
// on their first portal hit. Membership updates are much more rare than visits, so this
// allows the cache to have a reasonably high TTL across the cluster. The site will be
// cached on every server, so it will not force each user to retrieve it, just recalculate
// based on the cache and any other uncached sites on the next portal hit.
// We are catching adds and role updates with the invalidate event. The denied visit event
// captures the case where someone visits a site from which they were removed. Drops are
// harder to catch (because EVENT_USER_SITE_MEMBERSHIP_REMOVE is not fired consistently),
// but this approach is generally acceptable. A user may need to be added to a site and
// may communicate with someone who can do so and is logged in on a different server. This
// will invalidate immediately. Drops are not typically communicated. The user will not
// retain the privilege to view the site and the denied visit will remove the inaccessible
// site from the user cache, so having his/her cache persist for the TTL is not problematic.
Add a student to a site.
Log in as student and see the site in My Workspace.
Log back in as admin or instructor and remove student from site.
Log back in as student. The site is still listed in My Workspace.