Session user timestamp is not matching with the timezone

Rajan PR October 26, 2011 at 9:54 PM
No. We are not looking at this value. The data stored in table "Sakai_session" under Session_start and Session_end time values are behind the actual timings ie. -5.30 for the timezone. (The actual time zone is +5.30 GMT). But rest of the places whereever the timestamp is shown (captured) it is coming perfect.
Here the Database time zone and OS time zone are perfectly matched with local time settings.

Sam Ottenhoff October 26, 2011 at 11:57 AM
Are you seeing the timezone as part of your JAVA_OPTS on Tomcat startup?
The timestamp of the user session information is not considering the timezone of the server location. Our DB time stamp and OS, HW time stamps are set properly (ie GMT +5.30). But the timestamp of the session details are not matching with the actuals. how to rectify this?