scheduler_trigger_events table uses Oracle 10g reserved words for column names (type, time)
is depended on by

Hudson CI Server February 23, 2011 at 9:10 PM
Integrated in sakai trunk #447 (See
Restore "char" specification in Oracle statement
SAK-19088, STAT-270, SAK-20076, update comments to include missing ticket numbers.
tweaking Oracle create statement for consistency
updated DB field names to eliminate use of "type" and "time" reserved words

Anthony Whyte February 23, 2011 at 3:59 PM
jobscheduler-2.8.x hbm update, r88892.

Anthony Whyte February 22, 2011 at 10:29 AMEdited
The oracle, db2, and mysql 2.8.x conversion scripts have been updated. r88458 has not been merged to 2.8.x.

Seth Theriault February 22, 2011 at 9:55 AM
No need to commit r88458. I'll just fix trunk to restore the "255 char" stuff.

Seth Theriault February 16, 2011 at 8:36 AM
Oracle DDL tweaked in trunk, r88458 and successfully tested locally. Both r88424 and r88458 can be merged to the 2.8 branches.
The conversion scripts include the following Job Scheduler CREATE TABLE statement, a statement that uses two Oracle reserved words for column names (i.e., time and type). These column names should be renamed in order to eliminate possible name resolution conflicts (suggestions: trigger_type, trigger_time or triggerType, triggerTime).
For Oracle 10g reserved words see:
– SAK-18864, adds missing scheduler_trigger_events table for new persistent job scheduler event feature
create table scheduler_trigger_events (
uuid varchar(36) not null,
type varchar(255) not null,
jobName varchar(255) not null,
triggerName varchar(255) default null,
time datetime not null,
message text,
primary key (uuid)