The code for handling URLs (web links) in Resources doesn't preserve UTF8. Arguably they should all be encoded anyway, but if you cut & paste from Safari for e.g. you can get UTF8 in the url string.
May be related to SAK-1357 which dropped the utf8 encoding from getContentstring() and other code in ResourcesHelperAction
Bulk closing issues that have not been updated since 2015 and earlier. Please reopen if this is still an issue and you have new information or if this is a feature you'd like to still have consideration for.
Stephen Marquard June 29, 2010 at 1:04 PM
The remaining issue is that when a url including utf8 is edited with Actions / Edit Content, the input field is populated with an incorrectly encoded string from getContentstring():
The code for handling URLs (web links) in Resources doesn't preserve UTF8. Arguably they should all be encoded anyway, but if you cut & paste from Safari for e.g. you can get UTF8 in the url string.
May be related to SAK-1357 which dropped the utf8 encoding from getContentstring() and other code in ResourcesHelperAction