Switch to Java 1.6 (Without any workarounds)


Java 1.5 is approaching its End-of-Life (EOL), which is scheduled for 30-Oct-2009:



For Sakai 2.5 and Sakai 2.6 (which currently is being QA'ed for release with Java 1.5) this means a switch to Java 1.6 at some point during their maintenance cycle.

For Sakai 2.7, which is tentatively scheduled for code freeze in late 2009, this means we should start thinking about switching development of trunk/2.7 to using Java 1.6, and when it enters QA, it will be QA'ed with Java 1.6.

For Sakai 3.0, which is still early in development, this likely also means a switch in development and QA to Java 1.6 at some point soon.



Test Plan




Sam Ottenhoff October 28, 2010 at 3:19 PM

Resolving this issue as it seems to primarily duplicate

Matthew Jones October 28, 2010 at 11:34 AM

The title is "without any workarounds" meaning the JAVA_OPTS. Realistically I don't see think that development and QA time is available to fix this, as much as it is desired by the planners. (http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/MGT/Sakai+2x+Project+Planning+Goals) Especially considering how convenient the workarounds are. Perhaps the STRICT_QUOTE_ESCAPING will be first to go since that's mostly a regex search/mostly manual replace/commit/QA, but for the allowArraySyntax, those are bugs that won't appear until runtime are not entirely easy to detect, and may even be in libraries that need updating. It's currently known to minimally break tools listed in (Samigo, chat, blogger, and osp)

There would also likely be outlying contrib projects and less tested pieces of code that come up even if these were fixed. It seems like it would be worth flipping a QA as Seth suggested, seeing what doesn't start and keeping track of these. But switching without workarounds seems like a huge effort that AFIAK no dev has seriously committed time to doing. (or is even seriously interested in fixing) I'm perfectly happy to continue using the workarounds.

Seth Theriault October 28, 2010 at 8:21 AM

The TCC briefly discussed trying to run Tomcat 6 and JDK 1.6 free of workarounds for 2.8 on 18 August 2010. That was postponed. I think we probably need to seriously flip trunk to 1.6 with no workarounds and get people on board.

Sam Ottenhoff October 28, 2010 at 7:48 AM

Is there anything preventing this ticket from being closed? I believe a number of schools are running 2.7 on JDK 1.6 in production.

amberg1 February 11, 2010 at 7:49 AM

JAVA_OPTS settings allow Sakai to run with Java 1.6. By the release of 2.8 Sakai should run and compile in 1.6






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Affects versions


Created February 4, 2010 at 11:31 PM
Updated March 18, 2011 at 12:36 PM
Resolved October 28, 2010 at 3:19 PM