Error in ddl script for oracle 10g
- 09 Jul 2010, 05:58 AM
- 13 Nov 2009, 04:53 AM
Seth Theriault July 14, 2010 at 6:48 AM
Closing per discussion above.
Pavel Baranov July 12, 2010 at 1:34 AM
Sakai server was deleted few months ago, so I can't tell you actual description of the error.
Maybe it was driver issue (On my computer installed clients for ODB 9 and 10).
I was trying different versions sakai to connect to DB. Test version of Sakai with Tomcat and compilling sakai from sources to different version of Tomcat.
I suggest to close this issue topic.
Matthew Jones July 9, 2010 at 5:58 AM
From the attached log this was from:
However I don't see anything changed there. I've never seen this issue bringing this up against oracle databases. This thread suggests that it could be
a driver issue (using an 9 driver with a 10 database) Do you know if this was the case?
Looking at at local database (driver 10.2 on 10g there are nulls in this clob column. Attached screenshot.
Pavel Baranov July 9, 2010 at 1:55 AM
From the Log file:
2009-11-13 14:50:11,531 WARN Thread-1 org.sakaiproject.db.impl.BasicSqlService - Sql.dbWrite(): error code: 17004 sql: INSERT INTO SAKAI_REALM_ROLE_DESC (REALM_KEY, ROLE_KEY, DESCRIPTION, PROVIDER_ONLY) VALUES ( (SELECT REALM_KEY FROM SAKAI_REALM WHERE REALM_ID = ?), (SELECT ROLE_KEY FROM SAKAI_REALM_ROLE WHERE ROLE_NAME = ?), ?, ?) binds: !site.template.portfolio Evaluator null 0
java.sql.SQLException: ???????????? ??? ???????
at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(
As I noticed table SAKAI_REALM_ROLE_DESC has CLOB column. In the script sakai is trying to add NULL value to it. Oracle DB can't add NULL value to that CLOB.
Seth Theriault July 8, 2010 at 4:35 AM
Can you provide more details on what was fixed? I can't text of the Oracle error message in the log.
If you provide a pointer to the JIRA issue that fixed your problem in 2.7, we can evaluate trying to backport it for 2.6?
After downloading src version of sakai 2.6.1 and deploying it to tomcat I am trying to startup server. Sakai is configured to work with Oracle Database.
Then ddl script starts an error accrue java.sql.SQLException: wrong data type.
Tomcat log file is in attach file.