Inconsistent logging of context


In most cases context is being logged as a plain siteid, but in some others (e.g. it's logged as a reference, e.g. /site/f377813f-7896-454b-ac5c-c343ce6ccb56.

Rwiki's parseEntityReference() in rwiki-impl/impl/src/java/uk/ac/cam/caret/sakai/rwiki/component/service/impl/ is setting context to a site reference rather than a context (site) id.

As all other services set this to a plain context id, rwiki should behave similarly. This affects clients that call


where ref is a Reference, e.g.

Reference ref = entityManager().newReference(resource);
if (ref != null) {
m_context = ref.getContext();

Changing this might have some side-effects in other rwiki code which would need to be tested.



Seth Theriault April 12, 2013 at 2:38 PM

No one is working on rWiki anymore. Please attach a patch and this can be re-opened for a merge.

Ian Boston January 29, 2009 at 2:28 AM

I am unassigning this issue as it gives the wrong impression. I dont have enough hours in the day to look at this issue at the moment and keeping it assigned to me give the reporter hope that I might be able to look at it. I am very sorry. If this issue is a real blocker for production then I would suggest you look for resource in the community to fix the problem, I am happy to respond to emails and guide. Where the code base is Rwiki or Search, I have absolutely no problem with someone else working on the code, this after all is a community.

Won't Fix



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Created December 4, 2008 at 5:52 AM
Updated August 15, 2013 at 10:01 AM
Resolved April 12, 2013 at 2:38 PM

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