Questions in Samigo don't have a title field
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Aaron Zeckoski March 27, 2012 at 12:36 PM
CLE team bulk inactive issues cleanup - if this is important then reopen or create a new issue

David Horwitz February 23, 2010 at 6:32 AM
MAINT TEAM REVIEW: This feature request is currently unassigned and will be reviewed. In line with stated Jira practice Feature requests that are not going to be implemented will be closed with a status of "wont fix". If you intend implementing this issue please ensure that its up to date and assigned correctly

Marc Marc September 17, 2007 at 5:21 PM
Isn't this more than just changing a column in question pools. Wouldn't you want to expose such a question title throughout Authoring? That seems to be quite a big change.
Also, this really shouldn't be a blocker since it doesn't keep the app from running and I'm going to change it so.
This issue is a part of resolving SAK-7987.

Lydia Li September 14, 2007 at 4:52 PM
Marc, what do you think of adding a new column ? and what should the default sort be?

Greg Doyle September 13, 2007 at 12:05 AM
Hi Lydia
That would be exactly what we would be looking for.
On the QP page you can sort according to Question Text and Question Type. I assume that sorting according to ItemId be the default every time you enter QP?

Questions in Samigo don't have a title field - at the moment we are importing questions from Respondus and WebCT which has such a field.
In Respondus the questions are sorted according to the title, which means you can use that field to order questions 001, 002, etc
When importing the questions you ended up with the questions sorted according to the Question text i.e. alphabetically. So 1) the order is totally different and 2) when trying to organise the questions sub-pools its almost impossible (there are 100+ questions)
For example - there is a category, Q1, in WebCT consisting of 78 Questions. Quiz 1 is created drawing from the questions in category Q1 but in such a manner that 1 question is randomly selected from questions 1 - 25, another from questions 26 - 52 and 3 from questions 53-78. I.e. Quiz 1 will only present 5 questions to students. In Sakai I can use subpools to split Category Q1 into 3. But since there are no titles I don't know which question is which.
Of course I can in webct go and subdivide the categories and import then 1 by 1 into Sakai, but there are 10 categories. Some have 150+ questions and draw questions from up to 7 "subpools". Let see how long that will take me.