Integrate EntityBroker into framework (SVN branch request)


We would like to try to integrate the entity broker project into the sakai framework (by this, I mean the kernel). In order to work on this I would like to request a branch of entity to work in.

More info on entity broker:

1. Can we have who will be working on it
Development Team - Aaron Zeckoski, Antranig Basman
QA Resources - Sakai QA resources?

2. The expected amount of impact in terms of projects and disruption to the kernel
No impact expected

3. WIll it change existing API's
No change to existing APIs at this time (may eventually supercede some current APIs)

4. Will it require modification of exising consumers of those API's
No changes to consumers at this time (may require changes in the future)

5. Indication of timescale so we have an idea of when it will be ready for consideration for merging.
Timescale will be roughly 1 day (considerably shorter than this request for branch has been open)



Aaron Zeckoski September 26, 2007 at 12:26 PM

Code is integrated into trunk

Ian Boston September 14, 2007 at 5:20 AM

I have merged this code into trunk,


Not happy with the use of hibernate and the query mechanism used to load entity properties.
I see performance problems ahead with this if the Hibernate DAO usage becomes high.

I would like to see some high load concurrency checks to make 100% certain that this does
not cause load problems in the DB and/or deadlocking.

Please do these tests and verify that I am worrying unnecessarilly.

I am also not certain why we need storage in an EntityBroker, as it a transient object that only has a lifetime of the JVM

Aaron Zeckoski September 4, 2007 at 1:37 AM

One last set of clarifications:
This would be a new root level module in trunk.
The API would be deployed to shared (like all services) and there are no dependencies in the API.
The Impl would be deployed as a component (like many Sakai services) and depends on event and entity but otherwise has no real impact if it is not being used other than searching for entity providers on server startup.
The implementation has a large set of test cases and mock objects are included with the API.
There is a tool which consists of a single servlet (the direct servlet) which is what allows access to entity URLs. This access is limited to entities which allow it AND have defined an inferrer.

Aaron Zeckoski August 25, 2007 at 2:36 AM

Current code is tagged at:

There is no need to mess with merging because nothing in the source tree has to change for entitybroker to integrate, it simply needs to be in there. There should be a new top level project added which simply contains the entity broker code (and it would need to be added to the base poms). No other changes are required.

IvoG June 20, 2007 at 1:14 PM created from entity/trunk

Access granted to Antranig and Aaron Z.







Created June 13, 2007 at 12:48 AM
Updated March 23, 2022 at 3:02 PM
Resolved September 26, 2007 at 12:26 PM