Tests & Quizzes: Assessment report


The development shall add to the Tests & Quizzes tool of the Sakai LMS a functionality that, given a completed exam, adds information that shows all the questions used, the times that each one has been answered, the times that each one has not been answered, the times of each one of the possible answers and a calculation of the degree of difficulty and the degree of discrimination. This information will be available in both the "Statistics" and "Item Analysis" sections and should also appear in the generated Excel in the existing export options as well as in newly added exports in the according sections.

Analysis & Design:
Prototype: https://github.com/stetsche/S2U-Prototypes/blob/master/5-1-1-3-assessment-report/assessment-report.md

Original description (Spanish): Informe de examen
El desarrollo deberá añadir a la herramienta Tests & Quizzes (Exámenes) del LMS Sakai una funcionalidad que, dado un examen ya finalizado, añada información que muestre todas las preguntas empleadas, las veces que se ha contestado cada una, las veces que no, las veces de cada una de las posibles respuestas y un cálculo del grado de dificultad y del grado de discriminación. Esta información estará disponible tanto en el apartado de "Preguntas” como en "Análisis de elemento” y deberá aparecer también en el Excel generado en las opciones de exportación existentes.





Sam Ottenhoff September 30, 2024 at 5:13 PM

Hi can you take a look at SAK-50470? It seems like basic export is broken

Andrea Schmidt May 6, 2024 at 11:54 PM

2 issues found on 25x: https://trunk-maria.nightly.sakaiproject.org/, build: 176c2de2

Markus Stetschnig (EDF) November 22, 2023 at 12:05 PM


Mateu Llas Rubio November 22, 2023 at 9:27 AM


Our Elearning confirms that found that all seems OK.

Only they don’t understand well the column “Discrim” but they suppose that who has asked for it will know.

Thanks for the good work.

Miguel Pellicer November 22, 2023 at 9:12 AM

Thanks for the testing







Created December 21, 2022 at 11:21 AM
Updated September 30, 2024 at 5:13 PM
Resolved November 3, 2023 at 10:02 AM