Tests & Quizzes: Show number of correct, incorrect and blank answers in export


The development shall add to the Tests & Quizzes tool of the Sakai LMS a functionality that, given a test, provides an exportable report in Excel/CSV format showing the option chosen by each student in each question and whether it is right or wrong. The report will show at the end a summary indicating the number of correct, incorrect and unanswered answers. This report can be generated for the whole class or for an individual student. This development corresponds to the official Sakai Community JIRA ticket SAK-46975.

Original description (Spanish) Listado de notas
El desarrollo deberá añadir a la herramienta Tests & Quizzes (Exámenes) del LMS Sakai una funcionalidad que, dado un examen, proporcione un informe exportable en formato Excel/CSV que muestre la opción elegida por cada estudiante en cada pregunta y si está bien o mal. El informe mostrará al final un resumen indicando el número de respuestas correctas, incorrectas y no contestadas. Este informe podrá ser generado para toda la clase o para un alumno en particular. Este desarrollo se corresponde con el ticket SAK-46975 del JIRA oficial de la Comunidad Sakai.


Test plan:

  1. Go to the Tests & Quizzes tool

  2. Create 2 tests (with at least 3 or more questions to test that the correct, incorrect and blank response works)

    1. The First one should use only the one correct selection type (you can test it adding them in different parts too):

      1. True/False

      2. multiple choice (with only one correct option)

    2. The second one it could be good test the other questions types or only the multiple choice (selecting with more than 1 correct)

  3. Publish the 2 tests

  4. As student do the tests (answering some well, others wrong and some leaving it blank)

  5. As teacher go to:

    1. Tests & Quizzes Tool > select the first created test > Total Scores

      1. Then in that place check that has one row that say the correct/incorrect/blank answer

    2. Tests & Quizzes Tool > select the first created test > Total Scores > Click on the student

      1. Then, check that the short summary is correct (that should be shown) showing the correct number of correct/incorrect/blank answers

    3. Tests & Quizzes Tool > select the first created test > Export tab

      1. Then, click on the export button and see that the correct/incorrect/blank tabs are shown

    4. Then, do the same with the second test and check that all the information that is shown in the first test is not shown here





Juan David Massanet Puentes January 18, 2024 at 4:31 PM

Hi , sorry for the waiting, I checked the code to be more efficient and I think that I resolved that, but please do the review and confirm that work fine

Jesus Maria Mendez Perez January 9, 2024 at 8:48 AM

Ayer tuve que revertir este ticket de producción porque incluso para algunos exámenes se superan los 5 minutos y la petición se “corta”.

Nos llegó una incidencia al respecto por este motivo.

Jesus Maria Mendez Perez January 8, 2024 at 7:36 AM


Estoy haciendo pruebas de este parche y la verdad es que rasca bastante en un examen con 83 envíos configurado por baterías de la siguiente manera:.

No sé si se podría mejorar algo…

Juan David Massanet Puentes November 16, 2023 at 2:17 PM

Hey and . I finished the modifications just now and did a Pull request. Please, check that all works fine

Miguel Pellicer November 8, 2023 at 11:03 AM

Can you check the case that Jesus is mentioning?








Created December 21, 2022 at 11:20 AM
Updated January 18, 2024 at 4:31 PM
Resolved September 12, 2023 at 1:10 PM