Tests & Quizzes: Dynamic Rubrics for short answer questions
- 13 Jul 2023, 09:54 AM
- 13 Jul 2023, 09:54 AM
- 13 Jul 2023, 09:54 AM
- 13 Jul 2023, 09:54 AM
is depended on by
Miguel Pellicer November 8, 2023 at 9:46 AM
@Jesus Maria Mendez Perez Thanks for confirming!
Jesus Maria Mendez Perez November 8, 2023 at 9:11 AM
@Miguel Pellicer Se puede dar por verificado. Destacar que las pruebas han sido muy por encima. No le he podido dedicar tanto tiempo a las pruebas como me gustaría.
Otro excelente trabajo. Gracias.
Miguel Pellicer November 7, 2023 at 9:17 AM
Per @Jesus Maria Mendez Perez marking this as verified and tested. If anything comes up feel free to put more comments and we will address them.
Miguel Pellicer August 1, 2023 at 10:15 AM
Thanks @Bernardo Garcia Vila and @Francisco Saez for the great work testing and fixing. This is ready to be tested, would you mind testing it @Jesus Maria Mendez Perez ?
Bernardo Garcia Vila July 26, 2023 at 11:36 AM
For the third case, we agreed the best option would be to reload both the saved evaluations AND samigo’s grade (it was only doing the first thing). We are going to hide also the X button of the modal because it was acting different (this was actually an existing bug for the regular rubrics grading).
This development will allow the possibility of creating ad hoc rubrics (for the same questions types that already allowed regular rubrics) when evaluating the students. During this evaluation, instructors will define one or many criterions which might add or substract points to the total question points (i.e. substracting –0,2 points for forgetting to put the formula used, +0.2 for good spelling). Also, if the points of a criterion get updated for a student, this change should be applied to all the other submissions. This recalculation will be warned to the user before confirmation.
2 design tips:
This grows on the existing samigo + rubrics integration, so all the evaluation aspect of it works mostly the same way (draft evaluations + samigo confirmation).
Modifying criterions is a big risky operation (might include grade recalculation), forcing a page reload. So if the user wants to go with it has to understand the potential consequences.
Test Plan:
Check you can select dynamic rubric for grading a short answer question. Check this setting is kept when publishing or duplicating. Check when accessing the grading screen for the first time there's only an unmarked default criterion. Check you can create, edit and remove criterions. Check the question score is modified when confirming the evaluations in the modal. Check the resulting score is the sum of the previous score plus the selected criterion. Check you get a warning before confirming criterion/points changes. Check the grade of other students is modified if criterions are updated. For example, if a student had a 2.0 grade with a selected evaluation criterion which is updated from 0.5 to 1.0, then that student should be increased its grade to 2.5. Check students can't see them at any point.
Original description:
La herramienta Tests & Quizzes (Exámenes) del LMS Sakai incluye varios tipos de preguntas donde las opciones de evaluación son las habituales, incluyendo las rúbricas creadas en la herramienta Rubrics (Rúbricas). Estas rúbricas deben ser creadas con anterioridad al examen y no pueden modificarse cuando este ya se ha enviado, lo que hace la evaluación poco flexible en caso de querer añadir nuevos criterios. El desarrollo deberá incluir la posibilidad de añadir rúbricas dinámicas ad-hoc para los tipos de preguntas con respuesta en formato texto en el momento de evaluar las respuestas de los alumnos en las preguntas de Exámenes. Durante la evaluación de estas respuestas, el docente podrá definir uno o varios criterios de corrección adicionales que supongan o bien restar puntos sobre la nota de la pregunta (por ejemplo, restar –0,2 puntos porque se ha olvidado poner una fórmula utilizada) o bien añadir puntos a la suma parcial o total de la puntuación de la pregunta (p.ej., 0,2 si no hay errores ortográficos; 0,3 si está bien estructurado). Asimismo, si para un estudiante se modifica la valoración de un criterio (p.ej., que el criterio de -0,2 si se ha olvidado de la fórmula ahora pase a valer -0,15), la modificación se aplicará a todo el estudiantado.