5.3.1 Microsoft: User and Group synchronization
is depended on by

Bernardo Garcia Vila December 22, 2023 at 12:14 PMEdited
We haven’t been able to reproduce that first case, it’s probably related to some other column (like ERROR status) than with searching specific words.

Francisco Saez December 22, 2023 at 11:50 AM
Problems have been detected when searching in:
“Admin” tab: Just with some words. In our example: “Prod” fails, but “Tests” is OK
“New” tab, “Microsoft Teams” section.

Miguel Pellicer October 17, 2023 at 8:45 AM
Marked this as verified by internal testing and some testing by institutions. Since the adoption of the tool won’t happen this year, the post live support will be done when that happens.

Miguel Pellicer September 19, 2023 at 10:17 AM
Reassigning to since they are evaluating this at UDL.

Mateu Llas Rubio August 4, 2023 at 9:41 AMEdited
As we have commented in our meeting about testing this tool we add in this ticket a couple of suggestions to improve the tool
One is that we have customized site types as projectedocent, a type to create own sites by our users. It could be great that in filters of site type could appear this customized ones
Another suggestion is that before loading tab “New” a filter appears, because if it has to load “All” site types in our production environment this represents thousands of sites, it takes a lot of time to load. If only a type of sites having a property could be selected before beginning to load (as it happens in “Autoconfig” tab”) it could be great to enhance performance
Develop an integration between Sakai and Microsoft platforms. Users from both platforms will be synchronized so they will pertain to the same linked objects. This link must be flexible and configurable so, for example, a Sakai site may be synchronized with more than one Microsoft Team or Sakai groups may be also linked. It must be developed with a scalable design so, in the future, it can be extended to other kind of links not related with the LMS (departments, faculty groups, ...)
Test Plan
-- Testing demo data --
1.- Check users mc_user_001 to mc_user_016 exist
2.- Check site mc_site_001 to mc_site_007 exist
3.- Open "Microsoft Admin Tool" and check credentials are OK. If not ok, credentials tab will be displayed automatically.
-- Testing auto-config --
4.- In main tab ("Admin"), click "Auto-Config" tab.
4.1.- Select "Project" site type, and uncheck "Create new Teams".
4.2.- 4 matches should be found. Click confirm.
5.- Again, in main tab ("Admin"), click "Auto-Config" tab.
5.1.- Select "Project" site type, uncheck "Create new Teams", and set this Team Name Pattern: ${siteTitle} 365.
5.2.- 1 match should be found. Click confirm.
6.- Again, in main tab ("Admin"), click "Auto-Config" tab.
6.1.- Select "Project" site type, and check "Create new Teams".
6.2.- 2 new Teams should be found. Click confirm.
7.- (Optional, CAUTION)Again, in main tab ("Admin"), click "Auto-Config" tab.
7.1.- Select "Course" site type, and check "Create new Teams".
7.2.- 540 new Teams should be found. Click confirm. Cross fingers.
8.- Play with "Admin" tab (search, sort, paging...)
8.1.- Click in "Groups" and confirm Site Groups match with Microsoft Channels. NOTICE: If relationship has been created with auto-config (and "Create new Channels" enabled), Microsoft channels should exist (only for sites mc_site_001 to mc_site_007).
-- Testing manual config --
9.- Click in "New" tab to create a new relationship between Sakai Site(s) and Microsoft Teams.
-- Testing synchronization --
10.- In "Admin" tab, click "Run" in any row and wait until it refreshes with OK. Also check that groups are OK.
-- Testing Job synchronization --
11.- Go to Sakai Job Scheduler and create a new "Microsoft Run Synchronizations" Job
11.1.- Run the job, return to "Microsoft Admin Tool" and check that all rows change from "None" (grey) to "OK" (green). You need to refresh the page to see the changes.
-- Testing real-time synchronization --
12.- Click in "Config" tab, and enable all checkboxes. Maybe you want to enable one by one and check that is working as expected.
13.- Do some Sakai actions according with enabled checkboxes and confirm the Microsoft part has been updated. For example, if you create a Site, a Team will be created. If you add a user to a Site, he/she will be added to the Team.