Roster: Add a column for each Section & Group to the Export


The Roster tool allows teachers and students to see a list of participating users in a site, with relevant info like their roles. It also has an option to export the data in Excel format.

Sections are basically Groups but with special properties, the category they belong to being the main one. Currently the spreadsheet shows Groups mixed with Sections (without its category) on the same column, separated by commas.

The development aims to add a third ‘Sections' sheet in the current export file. After the basic user data columns, there will be a differentiation between Sections and Groups, each one of them placed on a different column, the rows will be filled with user’s basic info and the Sections/Groups they belong to (using empty cells for the ones they don’t).

Original description (Spanish) - outdated
La herramienta Roster (Participantes en español) permite a los profesores y alumnos ver un listado de los usuarios participantes en un sitio con sus diferentes roles y con diferentes datos visibles en función del control de acceso configurado. Roster tiene una opción de exportación de los datos en formato Excel. El desarrollo deberá añadir otra opción de exportación que permita exportar uno o varios grupos de estudiantes y los separe por grupos en el fichero Excel resultante, ocupando cada grupo una columna y los estudiantes del grupo las filas de dicha columna.

Test plan:

  • Roster Tool

  • Section Info Tool

  • Students in course

You should be able export a table focused on Sections.

  1. As admin, go to the Site -> Section Info tool

  2. Create multiple sections & assign students to them

  3. Go to "Roster" and press export

  4. Open the EXCEL-File, the "Sections" sheet should look like the table in "Student Membership" under "Section Info" ( plus extra student info )

  • There can be multiple sections related to one category section, example: Chemistry & Physics being both on the Lab category.

  • Groups instead are a single entity, Team A is just Team A"





Miguel Pellicer July 21, 2023 at 12:07 PM

Available in Master!

Miguel Pellicer February 20, 2023 at 12:30 PM

Thanks for confirming!

Valerio Cerni Conde February 20, 2023 at 11:01 AM

Works fine for me too.

Miguel Pellicer February 20, 2023 at 10:39 AM

Good morning , looks like this feature meets the acceptante criteria and provides the information your users expect, could you please perform some testing and make comments? Thank you again!

Miguel Pellicer February 20, 2023 at 10:38 AM

I’ve retested as another user and works fine, looks like a cache issue different than this ticket. Works fine for me.







Created December 21, 2022 at 11:56 AM
Updated February 27, 2025 at 11:30 PM
Resolved February 20, 2023 at 8:46 AM