Gradebook: support for group instances
- 24 Jan 2024, 07:48 AM
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is depended on by
Automation for Jira September 3, 2024 at 1:33 PM
A pull request has been created, "S2U-26 Gradebook: support for group instances", you can see it at https://github.com/sakaiproject/sakai/pull/12843
Jesus Maria Mendez Perez January 24, 2024 at 7:48 AM
Me he dado cuenta de que con el parche puesto pero sin tocar nada no aparece la herramienta de Calificaciones
a intentar “Importar de sitio” desde “Información de sitio”.
Yo creo que falta aquí añadir la parte de Gradebook...
El parche anterior es solo parasakai.gradebookng"
. Habría que añadir las comprobaciones para el resto de Gradebooks donde correspondan.
toolId.contains("sakai.gradebook")) &&
(site.getToolForCommonId("sakai.gradebook.tool") != null || site.getToolForCommonId("sakai.gradebookng") != null))
Para investigar, lo suyo sería que tuvieras sitios ya creados con anterioridad sin el parche que tuvieran la herramienta de Gradebook, a continuación aplicar el parche y sin tocar nada ver que ocurre al intentar “Importar de sitio”.
Miguel Pellicer January 16, 2024 at 5:23 PM
Thanks @Jesus Maria Mendez Perez . Reassigned to @Bernardo Garcia Vila for the master contribution.
Jesus Maria Mendez Perez January 15, 2024 at 11:33 AM
Tested in our 22.0 environment. It works great!
Miguel Pellicer December 13, 2023 at 9:54 AM
I re-tested the import and export using groups and now works fine.
Re-assigning to @Jesus Maria Mendez Perez since it’s the requester institution.
Gradebook tool is used for grading different items, configuring weights and categories which allow a customized final grade calculation. Unfortunately, just a single configuration is possible on each site, which can generate conflicts when instructors have different points of view. This development will add support for grading in different ways each of the existing groups on a site, adjusting configuration to the preferences of the teachers associated to each one, using the same options currently available at site level.
Some notes referring the initial scope of this feature:
The GB ui will be mostly the same as it is, changes will be just on making the backend work at group level instead than at site level.
For this feature to work there must be some restrictions/validations:
Enabled by site info configuration, similar to other tools with multiple instances.
A user can't belong to multiple groups on the site, or at least groups with a gb instance.
There won't be a site-level gradebook tool on these sites (mode can be switched from site to group and data will be kept, just can’t be groups AND site at the same time).
Integration with other tools is, although very desirable, out of the scope of this piece of work (see SAK-49493).
This is a complex and risky development, so it needs to be narrowed down a bit to ensure everything delivered under the badget is safe and sound. Future phases would be ideal to extend the possibilities and provide full platform support.
Test Plan:
Enable this feature with this property →
gradebookng.multipleGroupInstances = true
GB - Test all the gradebook functionalities for a site instance.
GB - Test all the gradebook functionalities for different group instances.
Verify the external integrations (assignments, samigo, datemanager, content-review, webservice, grader…) work for SITE GRADEBOOK INSTANCES like they used to.
Portal - check users (TAs, students) can only see and access the tools for the groups they belong to.
Site-manage - play with adding and removing group tools and switching between the site and group options.
Original description:
La herramienta Calificaciones del LMS Sakai permite asignar calificaciones a los distintos ítems evaluables de la plataforma. Estas calificaciones pueden configurarse para seguir una definición concreta de pesos y categorías que determine la nota final según una fórmula personalizada. Sin embargo, Calificaciones sólo permite una única configuración por sitio que en ocasiones puede originar conflictos entre puntos de vista diferentes de los usuarios con rol docente. El desarrollo deberá añadir a la herramienta Calificaciones la funcionalidad de poder calificar de distinta manera a los diferentes grupos existentes en la plataforma según las preferencias del profesor asociado a cada grupo, con las mismas opciones que ya tiene la calificación individual de un estudiante.