Test & Quizzes: Question pools export
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Automation for Jira September 10, 2024 at 3:01 PM
A pull request has been created, "Fix oracle conversion S2U-25", you can see it at https://github.com/sakaiproject/sakai-reference/pull/246

Bernardo Garcia Vila May 28, 2024 at 8:45 AM
Yes, that could be a nice future improvement for S2U-16

Jesus Maria Mendez Perez May 28, 2024 at 7:05 AM
You are right .
Display point value. This information has never been exported.
Is it timed? = yes & time limit. This functionality was implemented after this ticket,
so it's possible that it was not added on
Thanks for testing!

Andrea Schmidt May 27, 2024 at 10:30 PM
If a question in the question pool has the following settings:
Display Point Value while student is taking the exam = No
Is it timed? = yes & time limit ( )
the settings are not being exported/imported.
While the Jiras that Wasi created deal with adding the question from the quiz into a pool, (which is another issue - values not being passed), I edited the questions in a pool to not display the point values and to use a 2 minute timer, then exported the quiz. On import, the settings were not kept.
Attaching the quiz so someone can take a look if the export is missing the values or if the import is not accepting the values.

Miguel Pellicer October 10, 2023 at 9:54 AM
Thanks for the testing and the fixing.
Question Pools from Tests & Quizzes (Samigo) allow each teacher to reuse questions from site to site. At the moment there is no way to export them, although there is a workaround if you use them inside a test as a middle step. The purpose is to add the export feature for question pools using the same IMS QTI format Sakai already considers for assessments.
Original description:
Test plan:
Create a question pool with a few questions.*
Export it using this new option.
Using a different user import it and verify the resulting pool is equal to the original one.
* The supported export/import options will be a) the ones already existing for regular assessments/items and b) the ones that work with the current import feature for question pools.