Tests & Quizzes: Improve event log UI


In the Tests & Quizzes tool the exams have an event log that allows the user with a teaching role to see the different events that have happened in the exams, being able to investigate if the events coincide with the casuistry described when someone has some kind of problem. This functionality has an inflexible user interface and no export options. The development must add to the Event Log the ordering by columns of the elements of the table, the possibility of selecting the number of rows displayed among several options and an option to export the table in CSV format compatible with Microsoft Excel. These improvements are described in the linked Jira tickets.

Prototype: https://github.com/stetsche/S2U-Prototypes/blob/master/5-1-1-20-improve-event-log-ui/event-log.md

Original description (Spanish): Tests & Quizzes: Mejoras en el 'Event log'
En la herramienta Tests & Quizzes (Exámenes) del LMS Sakai los exámenes poseen un log de eventos (Event Log) que permite al usuario con rol docente ver los diferentes eventos que han sucedido en los exámenes, pudiendo investigar si los eventos coinciden con las casuísticas descritas cuando alguien tiene algún tipo de problema. Esta funcionalidad posee una interfaz de usuario poco flexible y no tiene opciones de exportación. El desarrollo deberá añadir al Event Log la ordenación por columnas de los elementos de la tabla, la posibilidad de seleccionar el número de filas mostradas entre varias opciones y una opción de exportar la tabla en formato CSV compatible con Microsoft Excel. Estas mejoras se encuentran descritas en los tickets del JIRA oficial de Sakai SAK-42460, SAK-34673 y SAK-45049.

Test plan:


  1. Log in as admin and add students and an instructor to a site.

  2. Log in as the instructor and setup a sample quiz

Tip: select "Create using markup text" and paste this sample:

1. (15 points) Which of the writers below were American citizens at some point in their lives? *a. Bill Faulkner b. Ginny Woolf *c. Tom Eliot 2. (5 points) What color is a violet? ____ *Blue 3. (10 points) (2.5 discount) Who was the first president of the United States? *a. Washington b. Jefferson c. Lincoln d. Clinton #randomize
  1. Log in as a student, go to the quiz site, and select the published quiz.

  2. Begin the assessment, answer the questions, and submit for grading.

  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 a few times. Then log in as the instructor.

  4. Go to the "Tests & Quizzes" tab and select "Event Log" to view completed quizzes.

  5. To test the first improvement ("Export to CSV button"), press on the Export as CSV button, and after the file is downloaded, check if all the data matches the data on the webpage.

  6. To test the second improvement ("active table search"), press on the search bar on the right and type in some kind of identifier (e.g., Assessment ID, StudentID, Title). The search should work while typing without having to press Enter.

  7. In order to test the third and fourth improvement you need at least six instances of a quiz being completed.

  8. To test the third improvement ("Select events per page"), choose 5 at the "Display events per page" drop down selector, and you should see only five events, with more than one page now.

  9. To test the fourth improvement ("pagination menu"), click on the "Next" and afterwards "Previous" buttons on the bottom right. You should navigate between pages and see different quiz events. Clicking on the page number should bring you directly to that page.

  10. To test the fifth improvement ("sorting by duration"), click on the small arrows next to the column title "Duration", it should automatically sort all events by their duration. By clicking on the symbol again, you can switch between ascending and descending. (The default sort is Title ascending.)


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Andrea Schmidt May 7, 2024 at 12:06 AM

Tested 25x: https://trunk-maria.nightly.sakaiproject.org/, build: 176c2de2

The csv download contains the variable value for the errors column instead of the user-friendly text: https://sakaiproject.atlassian.net/browse/SAK-50065

Andrea Schmidt October 8, 2023 at 2:42 PM

Tested on 24x: https://trunk-maria.nightly.sakaiproject.org/, build: e773a613

Functionality is working well, but there are a couple of issues that don’t affect functionality.

Miguel Pellicer July 21, 2023 at 12:07 PM

Available in Master!

Miguel Pellicer June 20, 2023 at 9:54 AM

The PR has been merged with all the discussed fixes, thanks everybody for the great job.

Jesus Maria Mendez Perez June 20, 2023 at 9:41 AM

Una vez que se mezcle la PR que hay abierta, por mi parte esto se puede marcar como testeado y verificado.

Otro gran trabajo. ¡Muchas gracias!







Created December 21, 2022 at 11:27 AM
Updated October 3, 2024 at 11:30 PM
Resolved May 26, 2023 at 2:11 PM

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