Tests & Quizzes: Improve navigation when grading
is depended on by

Andrea Schmidt May 6, 2024 at 11:53 PM
I found an issue on 25x: https://trunk-maria.nightly.sakaiproject.org/, build: 176c2de2
The Questions tab navigation is now missing:

Markus Stetschnig (EDF) October 10, 2023 at 11:01 AM
Thanks for the testing work! Regarding a way to return to the Total Scores page, I think a button next to the grading navigation would be a welcome feature. But the absence of this button is the current behavior and the addition was not part of the design for S2U-15. I think we should create another Jira for your suggestion, because it would be nice to have this improvement.

Miguel Pellicer October 10, 2023 at 10:26 AM
Thanks for the testing Andrea! I also think it's a great improvement.

Andrea Schmidt October 9, 2023 at 10:45 PM
Testing on 24x: https://trunk-maria.nightly.sakaiproject.org/, build: 2f4f1c06
There is no easy way to just go back to the Total Scores page when grading each student’s full submission. The instructor has to click another tab, then click Total Scores again to get back to that page.
Clicking Cancel after grading takes the instructor back to the Total Scores page, but that’s not intuitive.
Instructor needs to change drop-down to All Submissions
Using the arrows, the instructor goes through each take for a given student before going to the next student (if starting with the first student/take)
Grading does work, with the average updated correctly
Last/Highest attempt:
Instructor can move between students' last/highest submissions
Did not see any discrepancies with grading

Miguel Pellicer July 26, 2023 at 12:53 PM
It’s an AI system! (kidding)
When grading in the Tests & Quizzes tool, to navigate between students, it is necessary to return to the list of submissions. This development should add the option to easily switch between submissions similar to the assignments tool.
Analysis & design:
Prototype: https://github.com/stetsche/S2U-Prototypes/blob/master/5-1-1-11-improve-navigation-when-grading/grading-navigation.md
Original description in Spanish: Mejora de la navegabilidad entre exámenes
En la herramienta Tests & Quizzes (Exámenes) del LMS Sakai los exámenes con respuestas de los alumnos pueden verse de uno en uno, pero sin opción de navegar entre ellos, debiendo el profesor volver al listado principal y pulsar sobre el siguiente alumno a corregir. El desarrollo deberá añadir opciones de navegación en cada examen, de forma que el profesor podrá pasar de un alumno al siguiente o anterior de la lista sin tener que pasar por ella.
Test plan:
Create assessment and take it with a few student accounts, with one student, take it at least twice
Go to the Total Scores tab by clicking on the number of submissions.
Click on one student’s submission
Next to the heading there should be a small navigation menu
Navigate between submissions and verify, that the data updates correctly when navigating
Grade or adjust the grade of a question after navigating and make sure it is saved for the right submissions
Go to the Questions tab, below click on a submission. Navigation should work the same from here
Go back to the Total Scores tab and select “View [All Submissions]” (Click Cancel)
By showing all submissions, now there should be the submission date next to the students name