- Update build to current Sakai versionLAMS-11Resolved issue: LAMS-11David Horwitz
- Upgrade to 2.7.0 buildLAMS-10Resolved issue: LAMS-10David Horwitz
- Schedule option and date don't appear to do anythingLAMS-9Resolved issue: LAMS-9
- Add events for common user actionsLAMS-8Resolved issue: LAMS-8
- UTF8 characters in usernames not preservedLAMS-7Resolved issue: LAMS-7
- RuntimeException adding itemLAMS-5Resolved issue: LAMS-5
- Permissions widgetLAMS-4Resolved issue: LAMS-4
- Adjust tool description and UI labellingLAMS-3Resolved issue: LAMS-3Stephen Marquard
- Add a Help pageLAMS-2Resolved issue: LAMS-2Stephen Marquard
- chat doesn't seem to use display nameLAMS-1Resolved issue: LAMS-1
10 of 10
Update build from 2.7 - 2.9 so it works for current versions