Exported section information may provide too much information

Joyce Johnstone July 7, 2011 at 2:17 PM
Per 6/28/11 Training and Support Meeting: This has not been reported as an issue from users; closing this for now; will reopen if necessary

Steve Faith June 28, 2011 at 3:03 PM
Perhaps create a separate export column for "official" registrar sections and "site configured" groups.

Jon Gorrono June 23, 2011 at 5:59 PM
I think it would be beneficial to divide this up into two separate issues: one re: what we want to do in general and the other re: what we want to do locally.
In general, I don't see any benefit by removing non-provided sections from the list ... in fact, other schools may use them for grading. I think that is an undeniable possibility and so we shouldn't disallow it by focusing export info on provided sections only. The column title is 'Sections' but that is does not provide a 'contract' and could be changed to 'Groups' or Sections/Groups' easily by an institution anyway, even ours.
If we are to accept that, in general, all groups/sections could be relevant in an export file then, IMO the only info that is 'too much' here is that the autogroup title is set to the enrollmentset eid by auto-grouping and needs to be fixed to use the advisor or some other method to make it readable...and that is another jira ticket (already created I think) and that is probably an rsmart/foundation fix, though we might have to implement something in the advisor.
Even in our local case, I still think that adhoc and auto-groups are relevant for export files, even though they may not be directly related to grading, or represent the 'graded' groupings.... Assuming the groups are created for some practical reason, that reason could easily also apply during the perusal of an export file.
Also in these cases instructors have chosen to manually manage sections, and so they are elevating the importance of non-provided sections/groups (or at least leveling the playing field btwn provided/non-provided)
So IMO the suggested fix: to create a configuration option to export non-provided groups, or not, is creating more options for no real gain, increasing complexity and taking cycles away from other work and so suggest this is a "won't fix"

Joyce Johnstone May 24, 2011 at 3:11 PM
Discussed with Kirk 5/24/11 and since section information displays this way for managed groups only, this can be deferred to GB2 v1.6.

Kirk Alexander May 24, 2011 at 1:40 PM
But the non section groups aren't relevant for grading so can't we just drop any "http" groups off the comma separated list?
The export structure contains the section information now. When I export the gradebook for BIS 002B A01-A21 WQ 2011, the exported section information looks like this:
BIS 002B - A20,Student,http://ucdavis.edu/course/section/BIS/002B/A20/201101
I am not sure if all that information is needed.