gb permissions not working as they should!
Thomas Amsler May 26, 2011 at 10:40 AM
David Woods May 26, 2011 at 9:59 AM
QA Test
This is fixed by GRBK 960 fix.
in site with multiple sections (DLW test ENL 117 A01-A06 FQ 2011),
TAs (sakaistu1 - sakaistu5) assigned to specific sections (0 to 3 sections per TA)
in gradebook grade grid (and exported gradebook spreadsheet)
TAs can only see students in their assigned sections
TA with no assigned section cannot see any students (and cannot see any gradebook structure)
QA Pass (although TAs without assigned students cannot see the gradebook structure, either – but that matches production.)
Jon Gorrono May 25, 2011 at 6:52 PM
since this a a clone can we close this?
Nancy Wilkison May 16, 2011 at 5:12 PM
I assigned sections in the section tool.
I put 2 of the 3 TAs in 1 group each, and made groups so they contained some of each TAs section students and some of the section students NOT in their section.
I experimented w/setting permissions in the gradebook sections tool WHILE leaving the section assignments as I set them.
supposedly, permissions is to over-ride section assignment capabilities.
feel free to go to the site above and look.
the login info is listed above.
I'm done regression testing the site until export/import is fixed.
Thomas Amsler May 16, 2011 at 3:45 PM
Can we get some more info on this?
1. When you set permissions, are you setting them in GB2?
2. Do you set any other permissions via Sections and or Site Setup tool?
3. Can you attach some screen captures
SmartSite@UCDavis - 2.7.2.a3 - Sakai 2.7.1 - Server "ucdtest1"
gradebook2 GB2 v1.5.0-b1 on
may be related to grbk-960??
as any TA assigned to a section can grade EVERYONE, not just appropriate group or section, which is incorrect.
in testing today, using permissions to modify TA access...
setting permissions does NOT modify lead TA access.
lead TA can grade all, despite permissions limits.
setting permissions does NOT modify TA access.
they incorrectly have access to everyone and permissions does not change that.
giving a non-section/group assigned TA, who initially sees no students, any permission to grade
(limited to section or group) give him access to everyone.
I quit testing at this point, as there are obviously problems!!
testing site is CHE 118C A12-A13 sq11
lead TA - cjmccarthy
3 regular TAs -
mmudryj - A12 and group lastname a-h+maria+alice
phdjajapranata - A13 and group lastname p-z+paulus+ben
rptucker - no section or group