ie8 in student's view has appearing/disappearing inappropriate column header


SmartSite@UCDavis - 2.7.2.a3 - Sakai 2.7.1 - Server "ucdtest1"
gradebook2 GB2 v1.5.0-b1 on

firefox as IOR and as student seem work fine.

BUT SU as a student in ie8 and access gradebook.
the column headers don't align with the data. I started in non-full screen mode, as always.
there is a "weight" header that appears and the data should actually be under the "score" and "out of" headers.
header1.jpg shows it.
if you go to full screen, the "weight" header disappears and headers align w/data.
if you go back to non-full screen, the headers and data are correct.
but if you refresh the browser window or use the up arrow to refresh gb, the "weight" header comes back. and throws the display off and back to the
first image above.

it should be noted that the "weight" flashes on the screen in firefox but doesn't stay.





Raúl Sánchez Vegas April 22, 2016 at 4:52 AM

This is still an issue in IE11 with GB2 v1.8.1 (Sakai 10.3). It also happens when the browser's cache has been cleared and all the statistics data are visible as you can see in this image.

Constance Fuller August 15, 2012 at 2:19 PM

Note: this is still an issue in IE9 with GB2 v1.8. The Student View in IE9 does not match the student view in Firefox. There is an extra column header (weight) that throws off the alignment of the columns.

Constance Fuller August 10, 2012 at 11:14 AM

Is this still an issue? Our supported browser versions for IE are IE8 and IE9. We are now at Gradebook2 1.8.

Nancy Wilkison August 18, 2011 at 2:48 PM

SmartSite@UCDavis - 2.7.2-RC9 - Sakai 2.7.1 - Server "ucdtest1"
Gradebook2 version 1.6.1-rc1

again in ie8...probably related to whatever the problem is here?
on a % grading site, the student's view has an "Out of" header, not appropriate to a % grading site.
and the statistics headers are still missing...
firefox view is as I expect and correct.

Thomas Amsler May 16, 2011 at 4:23 PM

We should test IE8 and IE9 in GWT DEV mode. We can allow other systems to access DEV mode. This way, we can test if the IE7 override causes any of these issues.





Affects versions


Created May 10, 2011 at 9:58 AM
Updated April 22, 2016 at 4:55 AM