CCFIT: Convert externally provided point values to lettergrade values for usage
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Joyce Johnstone March 12, 2012 at 3:49 PM
Per 3/12/12 SmartSite Programmer's meeting: This can be closed because now since new tickets have been created to address this issue:
Decision: Documentation will be added to address explain the hazards of using external tools with letter gradebooks. No coding changes will be made to handle points coming from external tools.
And work to ask for maximum point value for clicker and scantron imports for letter gradebooks (already do this for percentage gradebooks) is complete.
Jon Gorrono February 29, 2012 at 3:19 PM
created and
Joyce Johnstone February 16, 2012 at 3:22 PMEdited
1. Close this ticket because there is no location to store the imported value coming from the external tool in order to do a numeric translation. And the value that's in the external tool would be different than what is translated and stored in the letter gradebook.
2. Create documentation (for UCD custom help menu) that explains the hazards of using external tools with letter gradebooks and link the documentation to the Gradebook setup screen.
3. Ask for maximum point value for clicker and scantron imports for letter gradebooks (already do this for percentage gradebooks).
Thomas Amsler September 8, 2011 at 4:57 PM
Estimate: 5 SP
Joyce Johnstone March 1, 2011 at 4:22 PM
When using a letter grade gradebook scores that come from Assignments, Tests & Quizzes, Forums are marked 'ungraded' score, gray it out and don't calculate. Warn users of this behavior when they set up their letter grade gradebook. Provide help documentation for handling these cases.
Functional Description:
Numeric scores that are sent/imported to a letter grade gradebook need to be converted consistently and accurately.
Example, If external grades are 93.3 (A) and 83.3 (B). The average is 88.3 (B+). Letter grade gradebook should look up and convert 93.3 to a letter grade A (95) and 83.3 to letter grade B (85) and average the grade as 90 (A-).
external tools and import can provide point scores higher than points possible, for example. In this case the provided value will be assumed to be a top lettergrade possible and saved. For further calculations the lettergrade value for that tops score will be used.