Importing Scantron .xls, if rename in Setup w/ existing GB item, get error message "item exists"--after clicking the X to close error message, only the Cancel button shows on the lower right. No Next button, even after editing the item, cannot "Next."

Peter Peterson June 17, 2010 at 5:10 PM
Closing per Fernando and Thomas's comments
Thomas Amsler May 25, 2010 at 2:12 PM
Resolving this per Fernando's comment

Fernando Socorro May 14, 2010 at 11:33 AM
When you attempt to use an existing item name during the import process, a "Request Failed" message appears indicating that the name "X" is already in use and you need to "enter a different name for the grade item."
I think this one can be closed.
Michael Wenk May 13, 2010 at 3:31 PM
Need to make sure this is still happening.
When importing a Scantron .xls, if rename in Setup w/ existing GB item, get error message that item exists--after clicking the X to close the error message, only the Cancel button shows on the lower right. No Next button, so even after editing the item, cannot "Next."