Assignments integration--ampersand in gradebook item name causes assignment item to lose association
Thomas Amsler October 31, 2012 at 1:24 PM
In case someone wonders, the relevant Assignments JIRA is:
Jim Mezzanotte October 30, 2012 at 6:06 PM
Hi Thomas--I wasn't sure. I'll revise this for Assignments.
Thomas Amsler October 30, 2012 at 4:55 PM
Isn't this an assignments issue?
If you associate an assignment in Assignments tool with a gradebook item that has an ampersand ("&") in its name, and you then edit the assignment, the association is lost. Steps to reproduce:
1. Create an item in gradebook with an ampersand in name.
2. Create an assignment in Assignments tool, associate with this gradebook item.
3. Edit the assignment.
On the "edit" page, the "associate with existing Gradebook entry" dropdown menu should display the existing association. Instead, you'll see "select an assignment." If you edit the gradebook item to remove the ampersand, associate assignment again, and then edit again, the association is maintained.