If "weight items by points" is selected and you add assignment, you lose all student data


If you select the "weight items by points" setting for a category, and then add an assignment to the gradebook (via the Assignments tool), the spreadsheet will no longer display student data (ID, name, et cetera) or scores. When you delete those items from the gradebook, the student data is once again displayed.





Jim Mezzanotte September 19, 2012 at 3:06 PM

Thanks Thomas, I didn't see the dupe ticket the first time. That's great.

Thomas Amsler September 19, 2012 at 2:58 PM


This is fixed in GRBK-1345.

Jim Mezzanotte September 19, 2012 at 2:50 PM

Hi Thomas,

I was able to replicate in the UC-Davis instance--I did testing in the "Samigo Test A FSEM 2012" site (https://smartsite.ucdavis.edu/xsl-portal/site/5ac38fae-c366-4b0b-ac63-befd2ebb14cc)

My steps to reproduce:

1. Set up gradebook for weighted categories.
2. Add two categories. Select "weight items by points" for the first category (doesn't matter what you select for second category).
3. Add some items, via "add" function in Assignments tool, to category 1.
4. Add items with the same name, via Gradebook2, to category 2.

I attached two screenshots--one showing student data loss, the other showing student data returned after I deleted the items that were added via Assignments tool. I've replicated the issue again so you can take a look.

Thomas Amsler September 19, 2012 at 1:58 PM

So far I am not able to reproduce this on our UC Davis instance. I am checking with the team if anybody else can reproduce this.

Jim Mezzanotte September 14, 2012 at 4:15 PM

Hi Thomas,

I haven't checked catalina but I can...did you use UCD instance or a community instance to reproduce? I was able to reproduce in several different instances, all running v. 1.8 of GB2.

I did learn a bit more about this issue, and I may not have pinpointed the exact use case (or it's wider than I thought). I get the same issue (student data does not display) even when I add assignments to category that does not have "weight items by points" selected--but also does not have "weight items equally." So in other words, no student data displays when you send items from Assignments to a weighted category and you haven't yet set relative weights for the items. As soon as you do, the student data displays.

A few workarounds I discovered: for the original use case (send assignments to category with "weight items by points" selected), I could get the student data to display if I de-selected "include in course grade" for all the items. I could then select "include in course grade" again, and the student data still displayed. Also, if I set a category to "weight items equally," then sent all assignments, and then changed the category setting to "weight items by points," the student data displayed.






Affects versions


Created September 14, 2012 at 10:53 AM
Updated September 19, 2012 at 3:06 PM
Resolved September 19, 2012 at 2:59 PM