Extra Credit Checkbox Enabling/Disabling Incorrectly


The enabling/disabling to the extra credit checkbox is not enabling/disabling correctly under certain use cases.

Error Scenario 1:
On a "No Categories" Gradebook, the new items can be created with the checkbox enabled. However, when editing items, the checkbox is always disabled. So an ior is able to create an item as an extra credit, but can never modify that setting afterwards.

Error Scenario 2:
On a "Categories" Gradebook, new items can be created with the checkbox enabled. When they are first moved to an extra credit category and opened for editing the first time, the checkbox is enabled. After that, the checkbox is disabled. (The business rule states that items in an extra credit category should always be "extra credit - true" and the checkbox should be disabled.) That is not working consistently. (Try moving from unassigned categories to ec categories and non-ec categories, and other variations on item moves.)

Error Scenario 3:
On a "Weighted Categories" Gradebook, repeat these steps:
1) Weight items equally
2) Weight items by points (makes the prior checkbox invisible)
3) Extra credit (makes weight by points checkbox invisible)
Now the settings are for extra credit and weight items equally. But this is not clear to the user. Correct the toggling of visibility and selections appropriately for this scenario.


  • 01 May 2012, 11:51 AM
  • 01 May 2012, 11:49 AM
  • 01 May 2012, 11:48 AM



Raúl Sánchez Vegas January 15, 2013 at 2:48 AM

Hi all

Anybody knows if this issue is going to be resolved? We have Gradebook2 1.8.0 and this issue still occurs.


Constance Fuller May 1, 2012 at 11:51 AM

Note the difference between screenshot-2 and screenshot-3. The item in screenshot-3 was re-opened after editing the ec category.

Constance Fuller May 1, 2012 at 11:48 AM

See snapshots for examples. Note the coloring as well for regular, included and extra credit items.





Affects versions


Created May 1, 2012 at 11:42 AM
Updated March 11, 2013 at 1:47 PM