grade scale per gb's total points so can assign Course Grade cutoffs HD#230846

Jon Gorrono February 5, 2014 at 2:31 PM
setting target and fix (for greenhopper) to 1.9.1 so that we can at least put some analysis in this time round
grade scale per gb's total points so can assign Course Grade cutoffs.
His example when we met (see attachment for his hand drawn diagram):
1. GB total points 130
2. he curves the grades in Excel
3. but, because the gb's grade scale is in 0-100 (5s), he then has to figure out that curve/cut-offs for %s (if a B is 100 to 117, he needs to convert that to a 0-100 scale and figure out where that range falls
4. What he wants si to be able to enter the total points in the Grade Scale and then set the cut-offs (i.e., 130 to 125-A, 124 to 115-B, etc.)
From his remedy ticket 230846:
I just finished grading two large-enrollment courses and would like to make a suggestion. As it stands now, the grade scale can only be applied as percentages. I find it much much easier to assign grades using points as cutoffs. Using points, I can stay with integers and avoid having to calculate percentages that invariably add decimals to the cutoffs. The decimals make estimating cutoffs between grades a burdensome, time-consuming and unnecessary extra step. Could we please get the option to assign final letter grades using points rather than percentages?