Addition/enhancement of entity broker GET support for Project Keitai.
get summary of all clog posts for a given site /direct/clog/site/SITEID.json|xml
get summary of all clog posts for a given user /direct/clog/user/USERID.json|xml
if not possible on a server wide scale, allow the siteId to be passed in as well, like: /direct/clog/user/USERID.json|xml?siteId=SITEID
get full details of a given clog post, with comments.
If possible, this should be site agnostic, so you can pass it a postId from either of the above providers and it will retrieve the post, if you have permissions. /direct/clog/post/POSTID.json|xml
If there is a way to get the RSS feed, that would be ideal as well.
Addition/enhancement of entity broker GET support for Project Keitai.
get summary of all clog posts for a given site
get summary of all clog posts for a given user
if not possible on a server wide scale, allow the siteId to be passed in as well, like:
get full details of a given clog post, with comments.
If possible, this should be site agnostic, so you can pass it a postId from either of the above providers and it will retrieve the post, if you have permissions.
If there is a way to get the RSS feed, that would be ideal as well.