2012-03-19 Conference Call

Notes for Weekly OSP Conference Call on 3-19-2012

In attendance:
Chris Mauer, Indiana University
Dave McPherson, Virginia Tech
Debbie Runshe, Indiana University
Janice Smith, Three Canoes
Lynn Ward, Indiana Univeristy

1. Community Updates
    * Teaching and Learning (T&L) Group.
           o TWSIA Portfolio Award http://openedpractices.org/twsia - award submission date has passed; judging should begin soon.
              + 2012 TWSIA Information
              + Application deadline extended: March 9, 2012
           o Teaching & Learning with Sakai OAE.
              + focusing on developing minispec about tasks, e.g., learning activities that are graded; will continue discussion this week
              + others are encouraged to add information to the minispec and Google doc, a document developed by Lynn to set priorities to share with developers; requirements document or RFPs have this type of prioritization (rating); the current minispec is focused on "creation" of task only; then the URG will need to do something with this information; NYU and IU are invested in this work and use portfolios
              + this group can spend more time looking at the minispec at our next meeting when the minispec is almost complete
           o Jan  has been assigned to Fellows committee and would like to see the community support someone, i.e., Lynn Ward
           o Longsight and Three Canoes will do AAEEBL webinar March 28th
    * Portfolio Visioning.
          o Meeting with T&L with Sakai OAE every Friday, 11 AM EST.
          o Friday 11 AM EST Phone Bridge.
          o For previous information see Portfolio Visioning for Sakai OAE.
    * Ongoing OSP Community Projects.
          o OSP Help - Elizabeth Venstra has corresponded with Sam Ottenhoff, who is now responsible for the next step in this process.
          o Upgrading portfolio pages on the Sakai Project website. - we have been encouraged to streamline the content like other websites, e.g., Canvas, etc.; Lynn prepared a presentation for AAEEBL comparing software and found it frustrating to not be able to find out information on these more streamlined sites
          o a discussion took place re: our image/software improvements; reporting and the ability to build a rubric with aggregation is seen as a shortcoming; some have been working with Form Builder and like the tool; there is a  need to do work to move some of the upgrades out of the contrib status and fix bugs ; some shared concern with the complexity of the creation process; TaskStream, Digication, STEPS all have rubric builders, we need resources for building of this functionality (developers); also, Assignments 2 evaluation is part of a contrib tool and commercial vendors are unwilling to support such tools
    * Planning for Sakai 2012 Conference - conference proposals are past due, but submission site is still up; Jan will try to get OSP Community proposals in soon.
          o Proposing half-day functional workshop, half-day technical workshop. Tech Fest table, OSP Innovations Panel.
          o Find or make OSP Community banner for Tech Demo.

2. 2.9 QA Status Test Scripts, OSP QA 2.9 Signups with links to test scripts.
          o it may be May before anyone can get to blockers
          o 2.9-general QA state unknown; Marist testing; release, needs testing; test fests have been happening; will stay in beta until testing is done; there is a desire to have leadership endorse the importance of testing for release to happen

3. QA Testing Information for OSP - no additional information at this time.

4. #Resolved issues for 2.9. We need to go through this list to determine which issues need further explanation in order to clarify what needs to be tested. *- no additional information at this time.
    * High Priority Issues

5. Sakai/OSP Maintenance Status (Bug fixes can be verified on the following QA servers Nightly Build (HSQLDB) or Nightly build (Oracle)). - no additional information at this time.
    * SAK-18766 Stickiness of Group and User, No page update after Manage Status in Matrices tool (UMICH).

6. Sakai Development Status (next major release cycle). - no additional information at this time.
    * SAK-19184 OSP Tools don't respect language/locale preferences (only when English is not the default locale) - Part 2.
    * SAK-16693 Roster Synchronization (pending adding optional flag, branch, test server review and trunk merge).
    * SAK-19469 Allow coordinators to view unpublished forms added/owned by another coordinator
    * SAK-19466 Unpublished forms not available to other coordinators in Portfolio Templates tool

7. OSP Community Prioritization of Open Issues. - no additional information at this time.
    * OSP Jira Filters.

8. OSP Reports Update and Continuing Issues. - no additional information at this time.

9. OSP Performance Issues. - no additional information at this time.
    * SAK-20715 Matrices slow to load.

10. On the back burner. - no additional information at this time.
    * Independent OSP release cycle: action items moving forward.