Group Provider Requirements

As I work on the CM group provider, I've been finding that either a) the integration behavior has yet to be fully specified or b) I don't know where the specs are (smile)

In order to get some clarity, I've put together a scenario to explore who would / would not be a member of a site, based on their memberships in CM. In the image below, "Sec" means section, "CO" means Course Offering, "CC" means Canonical Course, and "CS" means Course Set. The different shapes and colors are just there to distinguish between the different kinds of objects. They have no meaning beyond that.

In this scenario, "Sec1" is the only section mapped to our site, "Site 1". The table on the right lists different kinds of associations that could exist between a user and one of these CM objects along with a description of the user's resulting role in "Site 1".


CM Membership

Site 1 membership

User #1

Enrolled in the enrollment set attached to "Sec1"

Site member with the configured "enrollment" role (usually "Student")

User #2

Official instructor in the enrollment set attached to "Sec1"

Site member with the configured "official instructor" role (usually "Instructor")

User #3

Member of "Sec1"

Site member with the mapped Sakai role (converted from the CM membership role)

User #4

Enrolled in the enrollment set attached to "Sec4"

Not a site member. Sections must be explicitly mapped, otherwise, they do not feed into the site membership list.

User #5

Official instructor in the enrollment set attached to "Sec4"

Not a site member. Sections must be explicitly mapped, otherwise, they do not feed into the site membership list.

User #6

Member of "Sec2"

Not a site member. Sections must be explicitly mapped, otherwise, they do not feed into the site membership list.

User #7

Member of "Sec5"

Not a site member. Sections must be explicitly mapped, otherwise, they do not feed into the site membership list, regardless of equivalencies / cross listings.

User #8

Member of "CO1"

Site member with the mapped Sakai role (converted from the CM membership role)

User #9

Member of "CO2"

Site member with the mapped Sakai role (converted from the CM membership role)

User #10

Member of "CO3"

Not a site member. Canonical course equivalents (called cross listing in the diagram) do not impact memberships. Only course offering equivalencies are considered when determining site memberships. Is this the correct behavior?

User #11

Member of "CS1"

Site member with the mapped Sakai role (converted from the CM membership role)

User #12

Member of "CS2"

Site member with the mapped Sakai role (converted from the CM membership role)

User #13

Member of "CS3"

Site member with the mapped Sakai role (converted from the CM membership role)

User #14

Member of "CS4"

Not a site member. The Canonical Course equivalency does not apply. Is this the correct behavior?