Sakai JIRA Introduction

Sakai JIRA Introduction (S. Khan)

The link below provides definitions of the types of issues that can be entered in JIRA including Bug, Feature Request, etc. It also explains the meaning of the various columns in a JIRA item and tells how you would use the system. The URL is shown below:;jsessionid=2911ACAFCDC5ECF8684DD3201DC295CE#SakaiJiraGuidelines-IssueType

Entering a JIRA item:

  1. Any Sakai Member can submit a Requirement
  2. Go to the main Jira page: (
  3. Log in. If you don't have an account, you can choose to create one from this page by clicking the "Signup for an account" link in the Log in box.
  4. Add a new item by clicking on the" Create New Issue" link (near the top of the window below the JIRA banner).
  5. Select "Sakai" as the Project, unless your item refers to a Contrib project. A list of Contrib projects is found in the drop down list.
  6. Select an Issue Type from the drop down list which includes Bug, Task, Feature Request, Contributed Patch or Branch.
  7. Click Next. This will open the JIRA form. The form provides spaces for information

Thanks to Salwa Khan, Texas State University, for this help sheet.