MyEclipse Database Explorer

MyEclipse Database Explorer


  1. Mac OS environment
  2. Java 1.4.2 installed
  3. Tomcat 5.5.x installed together with Compat *.jar
  4. Maven installed and build.properties defined
  5. Eclipse 3.1.x installed
  6. MyEclipse 4.0.x installed (required)


  1. Database: start MYSQL/Oracle (or ya'll encounter a connection refused exception in step 5 below)
  2. DRIVER: configure JDBC driver using driver wizard (i.e., Preferences > MyEclipse > Database Explorer > Drivers)
  3. PERSPECTIVE: change to MyEclipse Database Explorer (i.e., Window > Open Perspective > Other... > MyEclipse Database Explorer
  4. CONNECTION: create a connection profile (i.e., click new connection icon (plus icon))
  5. Open Connection (i.e., click green flag icon)
  6. Perform database tasks
  7. Close Connection (i.e., click red X icon) and change perspective or exit Eclipse