Data Analysis Working Group

Sakai WG - Data Analysis

Easily accessible information about Sakai users, their attitudes, and their usage is critical to the work of Sakai-related staff including support staff, designers, researchers, developers, testers, and system administrators. Current capabilities to gather the required data and tools to present and interpret it are limited and vary across Sakai implementations. The Sakai Data Analysis group intends to fully describe the types of usage data needed by all stakeholders, compare current strategies for gathering and interpreting user and usage data, and specify new strategies for gathering and interpreting data. Development of these strategies may be undertaken as a Sakai project.

Multi-Institutional Survey Initiative (MISI)

A new effort in 2009 to survey instructors and students across Sakai institutions using a core set of similar survey questions.

MISI replaces the Sakai community survey question bank. While each institution may construct their surveys however they like, by using similar questions the community can more easily look across instances and compare users' attitudes.

Link to MISI Home Page

Log Events & Descriptions for the Sakai Event Table

As part of the Data Analysis Work Group mission to help Sakai administrators gather relevant data about user activity within the system, we actively encourage designers to include log events in all tools. We also encourage everyone in the Sakai community to help keep the events within the Sakai event table current and well documented.

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